Food and Beverage

Food and Beverage

Automatic offers tailor-made fire detection, suppression and facility maintenance solutions for the protection of food and drinks production facilities. Whatever type of food or drink manufacturing or storage areas you need to safeguard, our experienced team will devise the most effective and appropriate solutions to protect your people, your property and your business.
Glanbia Plc
We have installed a number of Sprinkler Systems into Glanbia Manufacturing Facilities around the country, both in greenfield new build projects and in existing buildings.
In Belview, for Glanbia Ingredients, we designed, installed and commissioned an NFPA Fire Protection System for the new greenfield Dairy Facility. The works also included water supplies (Sprinkler, Tank and Fire Pumps) along with underground Hydrants and Fire Main. There was also a Gas Suppression system installed.
The facility provides for the manufacture of specialised milk powder products and nutritional ingredients to meet the demands of multi-nationals in infant formula and other industries operating in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Central America. All produce from Belview is destined for export markets.
Danone Nutricia
Danone is a world leader in dairy, water and baby nutrition products, with well-known brands including Actimel, Evian and Cow & Gate. We are delighted to have completed a number of Sprinkler and Fire Alarm & Detection installations for Danone over the last ten years in their various Manufacturing Facilities.
In Macroom, where they produce infant and follow-on formula, we designed, supplied and retrofitted a Sprinkler System to FM Global standards into an existing Powder Milk Production area. Some of the works took place in High Care Hygienically Sterile areas which posed particular challenges to our installation team. All works were successfully completed to the satisfaction of Danone and FM Global.
Coca Cola
We are delighted to be associated with such an iconic brand as Coca Cola. We have completed multiple projects throughout Ireland and in particular Wexford and Ballina.
In Wexford, we designed, installed and commissioned an NFPA Fire Protection system on a green field manufacturing facility in 2010. We subsequently carried out works on the Extension to the facility in 2019, with a combined value in excess of €6m.
The overall project included water supplies (Sprinkler Tanks and Pumps), the underground Hydrant and Sprinkler Mains. Sprinkler protection was installed in the new facility along with an FM Hose Rack System. A Foam Enhanced Sprinkler System was also installed in High Risk areas along with Water Spray Deluge Systems protecting external flammable liquid tanks.
All works were successfully completed, and we continue to provide service and maintenance support to the facility.
In Ballina, we designed, installed and commissioned a Foam Enhanced Sprinkler Protection System in an extension to the Production Facility. The extension also included enabling works to the existing Underground Sprinkler Mains.
The Design Team was led by the PM Group.

Irish Distillers
Irish Distillers Limited have a large Bottling and Storage Facility at Fox & Geese, Naas Road, Dublin in which we have completed a number of projects over the past 10 years.
Works completed include; new Sprinkler Installations (Wet Systems and Dry Systems), External Deluge Waterspray Systems, External Foam/Water Monitors, Underground Fire Mains.
We have completed major upgrades to the existing systems along with retro-fitting Sprinkler Systems into “live” operating manufacturing areas with the minimum of disruption to the facility processes.
The design teams have included JV Tierney and the PM Group and works have been secured through Selective Tendering or Negotiation with Irish Distillers.