

Safeguarding life is paramount in all healthcare facilities and our team will ensure you have the perfect systems in place to maximise fire protection. Our experience in evaluating the needs of various healthcare facilities, delivering the best-fit systems for protection and ensuring their long-life operational reliability through high-level maintenance processes, is unrivaled in Ireland.
National Forensic Mental Health Services Hospital, Portrane, County Dublin
We supplied, tested and commissioned a 35 Panel Networked Fire Alarm System, encompassing the entire HSE Campus of 15 Buildings at Portrane, County Dublin.
The Fire Alarm installation formed part of the Suir Engineering Electrical works package and is seamlessly integrated with the site-wide Victor Management System and Watermist Suppression System.
The design team was led by Scott Tallon Walker Architects and JV Tierney Services Consultants. JJ Rhattigan were the main contractors. The construction of this state-of-the-art facility will replace the Central Mental Hospital in Dundrum. The works are due for completion in September 2020.
Four Ferns Elderly Care Facility, Dublin
The Four Ferns Elderly Care Facility is located in Foxrock, County Dublin. A range of luxury accommodation is provided along with related facilities and services.
The Sprinkler Installation is designed, installed and commissioned in compliance with Category 3 Residential Sprinkler System for a 60-minute period and has a shared water storage tank. In the event of an activation and system operation, power to the cold water pumps is isolated and the capacity of the water supply is available to the Sprinkler System Duty Standby Pumps.
The client’s team was led by Reddy Architecture, Renaissance Engineering Services and JGA Associates Fire Engineering Services. Purcell Construction were the main contractors. The contract was secured through a Selective Tendering process and completed in December 2019.
Ryevale Nursing Home
We completed the Sprinkler System in the 150 Bed Ryevale Nursing Home for the Gallagher Family, in Leixlip, Co. Kildare.
The Sprinkler was designed, installed and commissioned to BS 9251 – 2014 Fire Sprinkler Codes for Domestic and Residential Occupancies, Code of Practice.
The scope of works includes for Sprinkler Protection to cover all new areas, along with twin electric fire pumps in duty/standby arrangement with a dedicated tanked water supply for a 60 – minute period.
The contract was secured through a Selective Tendering process. The Design Team included CLC & Associates Services Consultants and Ganson Construction were the Main Contractors.

Clondalkin Healthcare
This development for Bartra Clondalkin Healthcare will take place, under an agreement between the Developer and the Presentation Sisters Order, on the grounds of the Convent of the Immaculate Conception, Clondalkin, Dublin.
The development will comprise the building of a 146-bed nursing home, a 14-bed Assisted Living Unit and certain remedial/refurbishment works to the original Convent building itself.
Bartra Healthcare anticipates commencing works onsite in Quarter 2, 2020 and an expected completion date in Quarter 2, 2022.
The Sprinkler System are being designed to BS EN:9251:2014 Fire Codes for Domestic and Residential Systems.
The Design Team includes FESP Project Management and JV Tierney Services Consultants.