

You are assured of the perfect fire protection applications to protect your manufacturing plants, warehousing facilities and more. Our experienced specialist engineers have been safeguarding major industrial projects with end-to-end service for 40 years, meaning your property is in safe hands with Automatic.
Tara Mines, Navan, County Meath
We have completed six Sprinkler Installation projects for Boliden Tara Mines in their Underground Maintenance Workshops. We have designed, installed, tested and commissioned a NFPA Sprinkler Protection System in the Maintenance Workshops located over 750m underground.
All works were successfully completed in this logistically challenging working conditions.
We continue to provide Service and Maintenance support to the client.
Photos include an aerial photo of the Mining Site; a photo of a plant room and a photo of the ceiling sprinkler installation.
Medite Europe Limited, Clonmel
We have completed five Sprinkler projects in the Medite MDF Manufacturing Facility in Clonmel.
These included a 25 year extensive inspection and flushing investigation in 2016.
The scope of works, the programme and budgets are agreed and co-ordinated directly with the clients Facility Team to ensure that disruption is kept to a minimum, respective to the manufacturing processes.
All works have been designed, installed, tested and commissioned to BS EN12845 Codes.
Scope of recent works include;
• Fire Protection Upgrade Project (Contract Value circa €2m)
• Completion of 25 Year condition investigation of 5 additional Sprinkler System
• Completion of Deluge Protection and Dry Pipe Protection for MTX Building and Conveyors
(Contract Value circa €500,000). Protection consists of Deluge protection over Wood Fibre Storage area, general Dry Pipe Sprinkler protection of the Building plus manually operated Deluge Protection for the Wood Fibre Conveyors.
Jaguar Land Rover, Shannon
We completed a project for Jaguar Land Rover in their new Testing Facility in Shannon on a “greenfield” site.
We designed, installed and commissioned a Wet NFPA Sprinkler Protection System. The scope of works included Water Supplies, Sprinkler Tank and Fire Pumps along with an Underground Sprinkler Mains.
The contract was procured through a Selective Tendering process. Flynn Management and Contractors were the Main Contractor, PMEP, the Services Consultants and Turner Townsend the Project Managers. We continue to provide Service and Maintenance support to the facility.

Munster Joinery
The original Manufacturing Plant was built in the 1970’s and the original Sprinkler Fire Protection was designed and installed by Mather & Platt (M&P).
In 2010 Automatic retained the M&P portfolio of Service projects and we have continued to support Munster Joinery to date since then, in all their Plant extensions and alterations.
Recent works included the design, installation and commissioning of Sprinkler Systems to LPC standards, for the newly built Alucald Building and a new PVC Warehouse along with the Replacement of Diesel Fire Pump.
We continue to support the Manufacturing Facility with service and maintenance annual contracts.

Zimmer Biomet, Galway
An existing building was taken over by Zimmer Biomet in Oranmore, Co. Galway. The company specialises as a manufacturing plant for Orthopaedic and Surgical Products.
The Sprinkler system was designed, installed and commissioned to FM Standard. The new installations included 3 number Wet Sprinkler Systems, 1 number Dry Pipe Sprinkler System, Underground Mains, along with new Water Supplies consisting of a Sprinkler Reservoir and Pre-Fabricated Pump House.
The project team included Kyne & Clyne as Services Consultants, FM Global as Fire Consultants and Kirby Group as Main Contractors.