Fire Sprinkler Systems2022-11-03T19:45:59+00:00

Fire Sprinkler Systems


Sprinkler Systems

Detect, Alert,
Control, Extinguish.

Fire sprinkler systems Ireland
Fire sprinkler systems

From evaluation and design, right though to handover and ongoing maintenance – our experienced and certified fire engineers have got your fire sprinkler system under control.

Your fire sprinkler system is in safe hands with Automatic, who have been at the forefront of fire engineering in Ireland for four decades and achieved the highest level of accreditation in the industry.

We hold LPCB 1048 Level 4 Certification which permits us to self-certify all of our works in all types of sprinkler systems.

Our expertise means you are assured that every aspect of your sprinkler protection project is taken care of in-house at Automatic. We work with you through the stages of conception, tender, approvals, fabrication, procurement, installation, testing, handover and follow-up service maintenance and inspecting to ensure you get the best possible fit for your requirements.

We have all the necessary skills in-house to provide you with a single source of contact that is reliable as well as responsible and responsive to your business.

We understand that the fire protection industry is constantly evolving (from design code planning regulations to insurance requirements to new technologies), and we are committed to adapting our skills and structure to deliver the best systems to suit your requirements and budget.

We have extensive experience in all internationally-recognised design codes including:

• EN 12845 Sprinkler Design Codes
• LPC /BSEN 12845 Sprinkler Design Code
• BS 9251: 2014 Residential and Domestic Sprinkler Systems
• FM Global Design Codes
• NFPA Sprinkler Design Codes
• Water Mist Systems To FM Global, NFPA, B.S. Vds, CEN Design Standards

You benefit from our expertise in a broad range of fire-fighting systems including:

Automatic Sprinkler Systems (Wet & Dry Pipe)
ESFR Sprinkler Systems
Deluge Systems
Pre-Action Systems 
Foam Water Sprinkler/Deluge Systems
High & Low Pressure Watermist Systems
Sprinkler Fire Pumps & Tanks
Hydrant & Fire Main
Wet & Dry Riser Systems

Automatic Sprinkler Systems

Our Fire Sprinkler Systems

Our Sprinkler Systems

Wet Pipe Systems2021-01-13T15:27:58+00:00

A wet pipe system is the most common type of fire sprinkler system, in which the sprinkler pipes are constantly charged with water under pressure.

For this reason, it is only suitable for use where there is no danger of frost, i.e. in climates where freezing never occurs or in buildings which are constantly heated during cold periods. Wet-pipe systems should not be considered when ambient temperatures can fall below 4°C (40°F).

The layout of the controlling valves of a typical wet system is shown and it includes the alarm valve, the combined drain and test valve, test valve, pressure gauges and alarm motor isolating valve, strainer, alarm motor and gong.

This type of system is the easiest to design and relatively straightforward to maintain. Wet-pipe systems always contain water under pressure and utilise a series of closed sprinkler heads.

When a fire occurs and produces enough heat to activate one or more sprinklers, the water is discharged immediately onto the fire. A Wet-pipe system should be the first choice of specifiers and designers alike, as they are inherently more reliable and less costly to maintain.

Dry Pipe Systems2021-01-13T15:27:35+00:00

A dry pipe system is one in which pipes are filled with pressurised air or nitrogen, rather than water. The air pressure holds the Dry-pipe valve in a closed position.

Located in a heated space, the dry-pipe valve prevents water from entering the pipe until a fire causes one or more sprinklers to operate. Once this happens, the air escapes and the dry pipe valve opens. Water then enters the pipe network flowing through the open sprinklers onto the fire.

Dry pipe sprinkler systems provide automatic protection in locations where freezing is possible and are typically used in unheated warehouses, exposed loading docks and within commercial freezers.

The sprinkler pipe work of a dry system is installed with a gradual fall to permit drainage of the system. Drain valves at all low parts of the installation are opened periodically to allow drainage of any condensation.

Many people view dry pipe sprinklers as advantageous for protection in areas sensitive to water. This perceived benefit is due to a fear that a damaged wet pipe system will leak while dry pipe systems will not. In these situations, dry pipe systems will generally not offer any advantage over wet pipe systems. Should impact damage happen, there will only be a short discharge delay, i.e. 60 seconds, while air in the piping is released before water flows.

Deluge Systems2022-03-04T11:48:20+00:00

Deluge (spray) systems, as the name implies, deliver large quantities of water over specific areas in a relatively short period of time. These systems are used to protect against rapidly growing and spreading fires, typically involving flammable liquids and solvents etc.

Deluge systems are like automatic sprinkler systems with the exception that all nozzles (sprinkler heads) are open and will discharge water simultaneously when a control valve opens. These systems are designed to protect areas where fire is likely to spread rapidly and/or where cooling of surrounding equipment is necessary.

Read more here.

Pre-Action Systems2021-01-13T15:26:50+00:00

A pre-action sprinkler system consists of a sprinkler system and an electrical detection system with pressurised air in the sprinkler pipework and water held back by the pre-action control valve. In the event of the operation of the electrical detection system the pre-action valve operates and allows water into the sprinkler pipework.

Pre-action systems differ from the normal wet systems in that the operation is initiated by an automatic detection system linked to the sprinkler system, and not by the sprinkler itself. Discharge of water can only occur, when, in addition to the detection system a sprinkler head operates. The operation of the detection system allows water to flow from the control valve into the sprinkler distribution network. A typical pre-action system is shown in the demonstration. When the detection device senses a fire, it opens the main valve, allowing water to flow through the pipes before the sprinklers are set off. When the heat activates the sprinklers, water is discharged immediately, as in a wet-pipe system.

In some instances, the pre-action system may be set up with a double interlock whereby pressurised air or nitrogen is added to system piping. The purpose of this feature is two-fold: first to monitor piping for leaks and second to hold water from the system piping in the event of inadvertent detector operation. The most common application for this system type is in freezer warehouses.

Pre-action systems are usually employed in areas that are at risk for serious water damage due to damaged sprinklers and/or piping.

They operate faster than dry systems but tend to be more expensive.

ESFR Systems2021-01-13T15:26:30+00:00

In Early Suppression Fast Response (ESFR) roof/ceiling mounted sprinklers can be used in warehouses in place of in-rack fire sprinkler systems. ESFR provides protection that exceeds that of in-rack systems.

With ESFR sprinkler heads further away from the fire than the sprinkler heads in an in-rack system, how is that possible? The answer lies in the three ways ESFR systems differ from conventional systems: speed, volume and droplet size.

ESFR sprinkler heads sense a fire and begin spraying water in half the time of conventional heads. The sooner the system starts to fight the fire, the smaller the fire will be – so it is more likely that the ESFR system will be capable of controlling the fire promptly.

Conventional heads discharge water at a rate of about 90 to 100 Litres per minute (lpm). ESFR heads can discharge water at a rate of 680lpm per minute.

Droplet size
ESFR heads emit larger droplets of water with greater momentum than conventional heads. When extra water is forced through conventional heads, it tends to come out as a mist and a greater percentage evaporates than when conventional heads flow at a normal rate. ESFR heads not only output larger amounts of water, but a greater share of the water reaches the fire, supporting the extinguishing process. Conventional systems are generally not designed to extinguish a fire, but rather to keep it from spreading by ‘wetting’ the area around the fire. These three factors build upon each other to increase ESFR’s efficiency. By detecting the fire sooner, discharging more water and increasing the likelihood of the water reaching the fire due to the larger the droplet size, ESFR systems can compensate for the sprinkler heads located within the storage racking.

Who can use ESFR?
For many (but not all) categories of product, ESFR technology can be used in warehouses with storage that does not exceed 10.7m (35 feet) in overall height and with a ceiling height that averages 12.2m (40 feet) or less. You will need to confirm with your insurance company and local authorities (i.e. fire and building inspectors) that ESFR is appropriate for the product being stored in your facility.

Foam-Water Sprinkler Systems2022-03-04T11:49:59+00:00

Foam-water sprinkler systems are installed to protect structures, equipment and facilities where a potential hazard for two-dimensional flammable liquid fire exists. These systems can provide prevention, extinguishment, control and/or exposure protection, depending on the application. Typically, foam-water sprinkler systems are installed in aircraft hangars, petrochemical plants, tank farms, fuel-loading facilities and power plants.

Upon activation of the fire detection system, the installation control valve set opens. Foam concentrate, stored in a bladder tank, and water are mixed using a proportioning device located above the Installation control valve. The Foam-Water mixture then enters the installation pipework and is discharged through the spray nozzles over the protected area.

Read more here.

Riser Systems2021-01-13T15:22:49+00:00

Wet / Dry riser systems are intended for the use of fire services to provide a readily available means of delivering considerable quantities of water to extinguish or to prevent the spread of fire.

If your fire risk assessment concludes that you may need the intervention of the Fire and Rescue Service to fight a fire, you must ensure that your riser systems or hydrants are working properly. Before installation of dry or wet rising mains, the local authority and the Fire Officer must be consulted to ascertain their exact requirements. Dry risers will be found in buildings more than 18 metres above ground level and in lower buildings which have excessive distances from entrances (>60m). Wet risers can be found in buildings more than 60 metres above ground level.

A Dry riser system consists of valves and pipework enabling the fire service personnel to pump water from Ground Level to the upper floors of a building whereas a wet riser system consists of valves and pipework which are kept permanently charged with water, supplied by dedicated wet riser fire pumps and a water storage tank.

High Pressure Water Mist2022-03-04T11:45:50+00:00

A high-water mist system is a fire protection system which uses very fine water sprays. The small water droplets leave no residue and reduce water damage while being extremely effective in suppressing or extinguishing fires by: cooling both the flame and surrounding gases by evaporation.

Water mist systems are non-toxic and provide a much higher cooling capability.

Read more here.

Low Pressure Water Mist2021-03-04T13:18:23+00:00

Low-pressure water mist systems combine the low water consumption, space-saving installations and other benefits of water mist systems with the price  advantage of sprinkler systems. This uses 50% less water, making it more cost-efficient while reducing water damage. This is a non-toxic solution with an increased cooling capability.

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How do sprinkler systems work?2021-01-13T15:44:44+00:00

Each sprinkler head is held closed independently by heat-sensitive seals. These seals prevent water flow until a design temperature is exceeded at the individual sprinkler heads.

Each sprinkler activates independently when the predetermined heat level is reached. The design intention is to limit the total number of sprinklers that operate, thereby providing the maximum water supply available from the water source to the point of fire origin.

How effective are fire sprinklers?2021-01-13T15:44:27+00:00

Sprinklers operate automatically in the area of fire origin, preventing a fire from growing undetected to a dangerous size, while simultaneously sounding an alarm.

Automatic fire sprinklers keep fires small. The majority of fires in sprinklered buildings are handled by one or two sprinklers.

How do fire sprinklers operate?2021-01-13T15:43:31+00:00

Automatic fire sprinklers are individually heat-activated, and tied into a network of piping with water under pressure. When the heat of a fire raises the sprinkler temperature to its operating point (usually 74ºC/165ºF), a solder link will melt or a liquid-filled glass bulb will shatter to open that single sprinkler, releasing water directly over the source of the heat.

How reliable are fire sprinklers?2021-01-13T15:43:15+00:00

In more than 100 years of use, sprinkler systems have proved to have a 99% success rate globally. Many systems which are more than 100 years-old are still in full working condition today.

All fire protection features have a reliability factor. Walls and shafts can be breached by means of poke-throughs and building alterations. Exit doors can be blocked or locked.

Sprinklers may be the most reliable fire protection system known. Detailed fire records for Australia and New Zealand (where fire must be reported) for the years 1886 through 1968 showed that 99.76% of all fires were extinguished or controlled by the sprinklers. Fire records in the US are less dependable due to lack of full reporting, especially for small fires where the sprinklers are successful. Nevertheless, the range includes a 96.2% success record reported by the National Fire Protection Association for the years 1925 through 1969, 98.4% success record for New York City high-rise buildings between 1969 and 1978, and a 98.2% success record for U.S. Department of Energy facilities between 1952 and 1980.

 Sprinkler Systems

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